Course Instruction

During this program, you will be listening to a total of 4 audio sessions. Each session contains up to six individual separate segments. (Example: Session 1 consists of individual segments 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6). Listening to the instruction is as simple as clicking the PLAY button for each segment. You will also have the capability to pause the instruction at any given time. Finally, if necessary, a lesson can be repeated for further review.

It is very important that the applicable text material - the NFPA 99, 2012 and the ASSE 6000 be utilized during the entire course to get the most out of each learning session.

After the completion of each session 1 through 4, a worksheet pertaining to the previous material will be presented in a "Pop-Quiz" format, one multiple choice question at a time. If the correct answer is selected, the next question will be displayed for you to answer. If an incorrect answer is selected, a window message will display to advise you of the need to try again. If you continue to answer incorrectly, the information will be displayed until the correct answer for each question is selected.

At the end of each session, a code will be presented which will allow access to the following session. We suggest you make a note of each code for study and review purposes.
Upon completion of session 4 and its associated worksheet, an access code will allow entry to the practical exam portion of the program. Upon completion of the practical exam, the completion code will be revealed to you. Provision of that completion code to Mr. Brian Crowder  at 800 243 5427 will result in your earned certification.
For training commencement, mouse-over "course" and select session 1. Utilize the discrete code provided to you upon enrolment completion to access training session 1.